Ph.D and Post Ph.D, FRES(U.K),FESA (USA)
Bangabandhu Gold Medalist
(one of the highest honor of the Nation)
Abid Foundation Chairman
Chairman: Mass Customized Food and Nutrition Research, , BANGLADESH
Consultant: IFC managed Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, Bangladesh
(Climate Resilience and Food Security component). And Advisor: Climate SMART Agriculture, Service and Solution International Ltd.
Dhaka-1207, BANGLADESH
Author, Facilatator- Ministry of ENVIRONMENT & Forest, BANGLADESH
Co-ordinator ( Director)- National Nutrition Programe (NNP),
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, BANGLADESH
Member, A2i programme, Prime Minister’s Office,, BANGLADESH
Director, Additional Secretary ,Ministry of Agriculture, BANGLADESH
Able to prepare any official, non-official documents, drafts, articles and features and different program and projects efficiently both in Bengali and English.
- I have attended many specialized training on crop protection and production, nutrition, conservation of natural resources, seed production, survey, administration, computer, etc. and acquired practical experience and also secured distinction and 1st place in most of the training.
- I have about 25 years of progressively responsible professional experience including IPM, ICM, EFM, SALT, M3- demo., research, partnership, co-ordination and office management, etc. and have prepared 50- seminar, reading and conference papers; and - books (Agricultural , Food Security and Nutrition related).
- I have practical knowledge about policy and planning; good analytical ability; initiative and ability to express ideas clearly and concisely both orally and in writing.
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